Halloween was a LONG day, but it was alot of fun.
Started the day out like everyone else and got in a 1.5 rollerski with a 3 time Olympian. After the ass kicking, we dropped Dekker off at school and took Haydenne to her gym class. I think I have just as much fun as the kids flopping around in those foam pits. Truth be told, I have to hold back my enthusiasm or I would be flipping all over the place.
After gym, we picked up Dekker, got in a quick lunch and went to the Olympic Park to watch some ski jumping and play on the playground at the base of the jumps. Before you knew it was time to hit Main St. The city closes Old Town off to traffic and the kids go door to door to all the storefronts for trick or treat. The kids have a blast. After trick or treat, we ran home for a quick dinner and then over to the McKone's for a little kid/adult party, or adult/kid party. It was for the adults.
Got home and sacked out.
This morning, woke up and had coffee with 3 moose eating our neighbors bushes and then did another 1.5hr rollerski up Lambs Canyon, hung out with the kids for a few hours and then headed into work for the evening. Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm sure it won't be a day of rest, because they never seem to be. It's suppose to snow/rain tomorrow, so it's off to the ice rink for a short track speed skating workout and then some open skating with the kids. Can you believe I grew up in Trenton and couldn't skate. Little secret I kept to myself all these many years. I can speed skate now (sort of).
Got some good news tonight. I got invited to join the Rossignol Ski Team for this winter. It's for nordic ski racing. Not sure what it all entails, but I'm sure it will be fun.
Oh, almost forgot. I saw the doctor about my knee last week. No problems. I must of hit a nerve. It should come back all by itself. Kind of neat having a childhood idol be your doctor/friend.