Braeden woke us all up in the middle of the night barking. That's not unusual as he barks alot at night, especially at the old house, when he could go out and bark at the deer and moose in the middle of the night.
I woke up this morning and there was toilet paper all over our yard. Lucky we don't have those big oak trees like back east. Just as I started to assess the problem, the sprinklers went on. Perfect!! So, that's what I have to look forward to tonight.
What's up with that anyways? If the kids were in their teens, I can understand. Have I become the grumpy old guy on the the block in just a couple of short months?? Damn Kids!!! At least they don't have Devil's Night out here (That's an official Detroit holiday.)

Also, I should point out that I'm 134 lbs on purpose. My mom read the post and thought something was wrong with me (tapeworm, dysentary, no money/food,etc). I'm just fine. The lighter you are the faster you ride up hill. The downside is that I am not an attractive man anymore, especially poolside. Bald, big ears, farmers tan and protruding ribs don't make for a pretty picture.
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