I hope all of you in Michigan appreciate the difficultly it's going to be living in the mountains of Utah without these essentials. For $@&*% sake, will someone do a drive by of Millen's house.
Glad I'm not a UofM fan or I might just be a bit suicidal. They truly suck.
Now that I have that off my chest. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon in Park City. I did the Tour de Sud. It's supposed to be Tour de Suds, but since the line was too long, I only got ONE beer. The race is a mountain bike "race" that starts in town and ends 6 miles later and 2300 feet higher.
I placed a bit of a disappointing 7th (out of 200+), but I was the 1st person to cross the finish line in costume. I guess that's something. I raced as either a school boy or office jockey. Kinda both. I had a oxford on with a tie and khaki shorts with my black work socks pulled up high. It's the first time I've worn a tie in over 5 years. I think the funnest costume was a couple of guys dressed up a Ace and Gary from the Ambiguous Gay Duo on SNL. I think Ace and Gary were hanging out with Alien Hookers. It wasn't too serious of a race.
Todd and John McKone
The Ambiguous Gay Duo and Alien Hookers.
How did they ride which those packages.
Dekker and Haydenne chillin' at the Town Lift.
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